
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Day One, Having Fun!

Video Entry after Day 1 of my adapation:

Day 1:
Did not really sleep much during my naps during the day. Maybe just dozed off for a few minutes. After my 7:00pm nap, I went to a get-together at a friend's house where I had a couple of drinks. Tried to take my 11:00pm nap there, but did not manage to really sleep with music playing and whatnot.
We then went to a bar where I had one more drink, but did not really get drunk at all. I set my timer for 3:00 but apparently it was set for 3:25pm. I woke up at 4:25 when by 25minute timer went off (now sure how that's possible). So I overslept for exactly 1 hour. Hopefully this will not happen anymore, I will try to be more careful when setting my alarms.
No real sleep deprivation yet, even after the 1.5 hour nap. No dreams that I remember in any of my naps yet.


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