
Friday, July 17, 2009

The Plan...

Polyphasic sleep involves breaking up your sleep pattern into multiple smaller phases. Unlike monophasic sleep (which most humans are accustomed to), on a polyphasic sleep schedule a person can get the needed amount of rest with much less overall sleep. The average person needs 7-9 hours of sleep per day sleeping monophasically (roughly 1/3 of the day). On a polyphasic system, however, it is possible to get by with as little as 2 hours of sleep per 24 hour period (1/12 of the day).

There are several different polyphasic systems used, each with different pros and cons. I chose the so-called "Uberman" sleep schedule. This schedule involves taking a 20 minute nap every 4 hours, for a total of 2 hours of sleep per day. My sleep will be broken up into 6 naps per day at the times:


The first week is considered to be hell, with roughly 98% of people who attempt it dropping out and going back to monophasic. The sleep-deprivation during this first week is considered to be almost unbearable, yet once you make it through this transition, your body will supposedly adapt and begin to gain the needed rest.

I will try to post my daily experiences during adaptation and record videos when possible. Despite all the nay-sayers out there, I think I can successfully adapt and accomplish infinitely more things with all the extra time!


Unknown said...

You just slept from 7:00pm-7:30pm! How can you expect to win when you missed your first interval?!

Nisrak said...

Please welcome thisismitch, the chief nay-sayer of my wondrous undertaking!

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